Second Opinions

Second Opinions are very useful to the condominium manager and condo board members.

Second Opinions either confirm or disprove the need for building component replacment or expensive repairs. Many times the Building Manager and/or Board Members obtain information concerning building components that are just not fully truthful. This is where a Second Opinion comes into play. Only an independent review of a sub-contractor’s proposal will determine if the proposal truly reflects the best course of action for a repair or replacement of a major building component.

For instance the building maintenance personnel will state that a particular building component requires replacement just because they do not fully understand the operation of or how to properly service same. Many times the building maintenance personnel are told that a particular component requires replacement by a servicing sub-contractor. It is prudent to review the building’s sub-contractors performance for honesty and accuracy.

We find this on many of our projects. This occurrence is almost expected and can usually be anticipated by simply interviewing the maintenance personnel. Many times the maintenance personnel are led to make statements concerning building components when a particular licensed sub-contractor tells your personnel that the particular item has to be replaced. Some times this is done instantly whereby a quick decision is made to make a large unnecessary expense which benefits the sub-contractor.

We can assist in first determining if the building component actually requires replacement or not. Furthermore, if replacement is necessary we can document alternative equipment which could be cheaper to purchase and definitely be cheaper to operate. This could reduce the instant economical impact on your building finances.

Please call Andrew Allocco, P.E. for further information at

Call:   (772) 388-3188


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